User Guide

Single Node Upgrade from 4.37 to 4.38

This guide will lead you through the steps specific for upgrading a NetEye Single Node installation from version 4.37 to 4.38.

Upgrading a NetEye Single Node takes a nontrivial amount of time. Granted the environment connectivity is seamless, the upgrade procedure may take up to 30 minutes.


Remember that you must upgrade sequentially without skipping versions, therefore an upgrade to 4.38 is possible only from 4.37; for example, if you have version 4.27, you must first upgrade to the 4.28, then 4.29, and so on.

Breaking Changes

New Authentication Method

The authentication method has been updated to enable new features such as login in NetEye with federated identity providers through protocols such as OIDC (OAuth 2.0), SAML 2.0, or LDAP/Active Directory.

NetEye 4.38 introduces Keycloak as its access manager, enhancing security by enabling single sign-on (SSO) and role-based access control (RBAC) across NetEye’s advanced monitoring and threat protection features.

Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management (IAM) solution that provides authentication, authorization, and user management for modern applications. It is effectively the new hub for managing users and groups in NetEye.

This integration ensures that only authenticated and authorized users can access NetEye’s critical services, streamlining user management while maintaining robust security. Keycloak’s flexible integration with various identity providers further strengthens NetEye’s secure and unified monitoring environment.

More information about the new authentication method can be found in the Authentication section. This important change requires some additional steps to be taken before and after upgrading to the new version.

Upgrade of Elastic Stack to version 8.15

In NetEye 4.38, Elastic Stack is upgraded from version 8.14.3 to version 8.15.2.

To ensure the full compatibility of your installation, please review the official release notes, focusing in particular on the breaking changes of the Elastic Stack components.

Among the known issues and breaking changes listed by Elastic, we would like to emphasize those that may have more impact on NetEye installations than the rest:

  1. input-snmp and input-snmptrap Logstash plugins are now bundled in the new Logstash SNMP integration plugin, so a migration may be needed


Before starting the upgrade, you should read very carefully the latest release notes on NetEye’s blog and check out the features that will be changed or deprecated after the upgrade.

  1. All NetEye packages installed on a currently running version must be updated according to the update procedure prior to running the upgrade.

  2. NetEye must be up and running in a healthy state.

  3. Disk Space required:

    • 3GB for / and /var

    • 150MB for /boot

  4. If the SIEM module is installed:

    • The domain should be reachable by the NetEye Master only during the update/upgrade procedure. This domain is needed to update additional Logstash plugins and thus is required only if you manually installed any Logstash plugin that is not present by default.

1. Run the Upgrade

To perform the upgrade, run from the command line the following command:

neteye# (nohup neteye upgrade &) && tail --retry -f nohup.out

After the command was executed, the output will inform if the upgrade was successful or not:

  • In case of successful upgrade you might need to restart NetEye to properly apply the upgrades. If the reboot is not needed, please skip the next step.

  • In case the command fails refer to the troubleshooting section.

2. Reboot

Restart NetEye to apply the upgrades correctly.

neteye# neteye node reboot

3. Additional Tasks

New Authentication Method

After upgrading the new authentication method will be enabled along with the legacy one. This approach allows users to switch to the new authentication method at their own pace and test it before the final transition.

Login page with a greyed-out background indicates that you are using the legacy authentication method. Below the login form you will find a red button that will open the new login page.


Fig. 246 The button that opens the new login page

After the upgrade, the management of users and groups should be handled through Keycloak rather than NetEye. Any users or groups created after the upgrade will need to be manually migrated to Keycloak.

At this point you need to log-in as a keycloak administrator and test the new login page as well as verifying that everything works as expected.


By default only the root user has access to the Keycloak admin console. The password for the root user is saved in the file /root/.pwd_icingaweb2_root.

We suggest to
  • Get inside the Keycloak admin console by visiting the Configuration > Authentication in the NetEye menu

  • Once inside, verify that the users are correctly imported from the legacy authentication method by clicking the Users link

  • Verify that the groups are correctly imported from the legacy authentication method by clicking the Groups link

  • Verify the configuration of migrated LDAP/AD by clicking the User federation link, and then select the LDAP or Active Directory item in the list

    • If an LDAP/AD group backend was configured before the upgrade, verify in the Mapper tab that a group-ldap-mapper type exists and that its configuration is correct

  • Verify roles defined in Keycloak and assigned to users and groups by visiting the Users/Groups > Role mapping page

  • Test the login with different users and groups

During the upgrade process, users and groups are automatically migrated; however, we strongly recommend verifying that everything functions as expected.

Due to the complexity of the operation, it is possible that, depending on the current configuration, some errors may occur, leading to certain users or groups not being migrated correctly.

In such cases, manual migration may be necessary.


If errors occur during the automatic migration of LDAP/AD settings from NetEye to Keycloak, you will find all errors details in the log file /root/upgrade_4.38/failed_ldap_configuration.log and you’ll have to correct the configuration after the upgrade as described in the Test your LDAP/AD configuration section.


If errors occur during the procedure of replicating admin permissions of any local/LDAP users in keycloak, you will find all errors details in log files located in /root/upgrade_4.38/ and you’ll have to migrate the permissions manually after the upgrade.


We are only migrating admin permissions automatically during the upgrade, any other auth-related permissions will have to be migrated manually.

If something is not working as expected you can always use to the legacy login page for the time being, and adjust the configuration of the new authentication method by visiting the Configuration > Authentication page. Refer to the Authentication section for more information about the new authentication method.


Before continuing with the definitive switch to the new authentication method, make sure that the login and the users are working as expected.

Until the new authentication method is switched as default, a new service check in the monitoring will be in critical in order to remind you that you are still using the legacy authentication method and the migration is not completed yet. The service check is called auth-finalization-check-neteyelocal and is part of the host NetEye Local Self Monitoring.


Fig. 247 The service check that reminds you that the migration is not completed yet


Until the new authentication method is switched as default, all the new users and groups created in Configuration > Access Control > Users / User Groups will also have to be created in the new authentication method in Configuration > Authentication.

Once you are sure that everything is working as expected you can switch to the new authentication method by visiting the Configuration > Modules > neteye > Configuration page and enabling the switch Finalize Auth Migration. This step is required before upgrading to the next version.


All Icingaweb2 roles (with permissions) will still be handled by Icinga Web 2 and will not be migrated or delegated to the new authentication method.


The switch to the new authentication method is irreversible and once you have switched to the new authentication method you cannot go back to the legacy one.

More information about the new authentication method can be found in the Authentication section.