WHERE Conditions¶
While configuring your Filter node, a number of conditions can be applied in order to match the incoming Events of a certain type, origin, etc. These conditions are to be defined as WHERE operators in a dedicated tab of the Tornado Filter configuration form.
If the WHERE clause is not specified, the filter passes all events’ matching process to its children nodes.

Based on your needs, a single or multiple operators can be applied for filtering particular events. Below you will find all available WHERE operator options and their details.
‘AND’, ‘OR’, and ‘NOT’¶
As a first step, select a group of conditions that are to be applied, which consist of ‘AND’, ‘OR’, and ‘NOT’ options.
The ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ groups work on a set of operators, that are to be further selected, while the ‘NOT’ group works on a single operator.
The ‘AND’ condition evaluates to true if all inner operators match:
The filter matches only the events of type SNMP and that are sent from host1.
The ‘OR’ condition evaluates to true if at least one of the inner operators matches:
The filter matches only events of type SMS or email.
The ‘NOT’ group evaluates to true if the inner operator does not match, and evaluates to false if the inner operator matches:
The filter matches every event that is not coming from a host that contains
in its name.
The groups can be nested recursively to define complex conditions for a filter to recognize cetrain events:

The filter matches events of type SMS or email and from hosts that do not contain .localdomain
string in their names.
The operator evaluates whether the first argument contains the second one. It can be applied to strings, arrays, and maps.
It applies in three different situations:
The arguments are both strings: Returns true if the second string is a substring of the first one.
The first argument is an array: Returns true if the second argument is a part of an array.
The first argument is a map and the second is a string: Returns true if the second argument is an existing key in the map.

In any other case, it will return false.
The ‘CONTAINSIGNORECASE’ operator is used to check whether the first argument contains the string passed as second argument, regardless of their capital and small letters. In other words, the arguments are compared in a case-insensitive way.
It applies in three different situations:
The arguments are both strings: Returns true if the second string is a case-insensitive substring of the first one
The first argument is an array: Returns true if the array passed as first parameter contains a (string) element which is equal to the string passed as second argument, regardless of uppercase and lowercase letters
The first argument is a map: Returns true if the second argument contains, an existing, case-insensitive, key of the map
In any other case, this operator will return false.

A Filter will match events if their payload contains an entry with key “hostname” and whose value is a string that contains “linux”, ignoring the case of the strings, e.g.
"type": "trap",
"created_ms": 1554130814854,
"hostname": "LINUX-server-01"
Additional values for hostname can be: linuX-SERVER-02, LInux-Host-12, Old-LiNuX-FileServer, and so on.
Comparison:’EQUALS’, ‘GE’, ‘GT’, ‘LE’, ‘LT’ and ‘NE’¶
These operators are used to compare two values to find if they are equal, different, or one is greater/smaller than the other:
‘EQUALS’: Compares any two values (including, but not limited to, arrays, maps) and returns whether or not they are equal.
‘GE’: Compares two values and returns whether the first value is greater than or equal to the second one. If one or both of the values do not exist, it returns
.‘GT’: Compares two values and returns whether the first value is greater than the second one. If one or both of the values do not exist, it returns
.‘LE’: Compares two values and returns whether the first value is less than or equal to the second one. If one or both of the values do not exist, it returns
.‘LT’: Compares two values and returns whether the first value is less than the second one. If one or both of the values do not exist, it returns
.‘NE’: This is the negation of the ‘equals’ operator. Compares two values and returns whether or not they are different.
All these operators can work with values of type Number, String, Bool, null and Array.
Please be extremely careful when using these operators with numbers of type float. The representation of floating point numbers is often slightly imprecise and can lead to unexpected results (for example, see https://www.floating-point-gui.de/errors/comparison/ ).

Example 2:

The filter will match events if event.payload.value exists and one or more of the following conditions are held:
It is equal to 1000
It is between 100 (inclusive) and 200 (inclusive), but not equal to 150
It is less than 0 (exclusive)
It is greater than 2000 (exclusive)
A matching Event is:
"type": "email",
"created_ms": 1554130814854,
"value": 110
Here are some examples showing how these operators behave:
[{"id":557}, {"one":"two"}]
: false (cannot compare different types, e.g. here the first is an array and the second is a number){id: "one"}
lt{id: "two"}
: false (maps cannot be compared)[["id",557], ["one"]]
gt[["id",555], ["two"]]
: true (elements in the array are compared recursively from left to right: so here “id” is first compared to “id”, then 557 to 555, returning true before attempting to match “one” and “two”)[["id",557]]
gt[["id",555], ["two"]]
: true (elements are compared even if the length of the arrays is not the same)true
: true (the value ‘true’ is evaluated as 1, and the value ‘false’ as 0; consequently, the expression is equivalent to “1 gt 0” which is true)“twelve” gt “two”: false (strings are compared lexically, and ‘e’ comes before ‘o’, not after it)
The EQUALSIGNORECASE operator is used to check whether the strings passed as arguments are equal in a case-insensitive way.
It applies only if both the first and the second arguments are strings. In any other case, the operator will return false.

A filter will match the event with payload that has an entry with key “hostname” and whose value is a string that is equal to “linux”, ignoring the case of the strings.
A matching Event is:
"type": "trap",
"created_ms": 1554130814854,
"hostname": "LINUX"
The ‘REGEX’ operator is used to evaluate if a field of an event matches a given regular expression. The evaluation is performed with the Rust Regex library (see its github project home page )
We use the Rust Regex library (see its github project home page ) to evaluate regular expressions provided by the WITH clause and by the regex operator. Refer to its dedicated documentation for details about its features and limitations. You can also visit this site in order to test your regex input and get interactive feedback on its syntax.
For example, when applying the following value for a REGEX operator,

the Filter will match events where the type matches regular expression [a-fA-F0-9].
A matching Event is:
"type": "trap0",
"created_ms": 1554130814854,