User Guide

Network interfaces monitoring


This module is deprecated.

Service Checks Information

Network Interface Table Service Check


Please, note that Interface Table module may be exploited by an authenticated user for accessing/executing files on the file system. When Interface Table Service Check is installed, a management network with restricted access is encouraged.

Please note that a new version which overcomes the security problems has been planned in the next releases.

Interfacetable_v3t is an addon that allows you to monitor the network interfaces of a node (e.g. router, switch, server) without knowing each interface in detail.

For additional information see the the official documentation.


# dnf install --enablerepo=neteye-extras icingaweb2-module-interfacetable icingaweb2-module-interfacetable-autosetup
# neteye install


The module is enabled as soon as the neteye install is executed, but a new command must be configured before it can be used for configuring a service check. Navigate to Director > Commands to create the command as depicted in Fig. 109, which shows the three fields that must be configured:

  • Command type: Must be set to Plugin Check Command

  • Command name: The name of the command which will be used to configure a Service

  • Command: The path to the script executed by the command:

Add Interface Table command

Fig. 109 Add Interface Table command

After deploying the command you just created, you must configure the Arguments. Click on the command name in the Commands section of Director, go to the Arguments tab and add the Arguments:

Argument name





Specify the snmp v1/v2c community string (e.g., wuerthphoenix)


Specify global plugin timeout

Fig. 110 shows the resulting Arguments panel

Result after adding arguments

Fig. 110 Result after adding arguments