User Guide


The ELASTICSEARCH Action type allows you to extract data from a Tornado Action and send it to Elasticsearch.

The Elasticsearch Executor behind the Action type expects a Tornado Action to include the following elements in its payload:

  1. endpoint : The Elasticsearch endpoint which Tornado will call to create the Elasticsearch document (i.e. https://elasticsearch.neteyelocal:9200),

  2. index : The name of the Elasticsearch index in which the document will be created. In the local elasticsearch instance, Tornado can only index data into an index with name tornado-*,

  3. data: The content of the document that will be sent to Elasticsearch

       "user" : "kimchy",
       "post_date" : "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
       "message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"
  4. auth: Method of authentication; The executor already has a default_auth configured in the file /neteye/shared/tornado/conf/elasticsearch_executor.toml. See more details below.


The Elasticsearch Executor will create a new document in the specified Elasticsearch index for each action executed. In case a specified index does not yet exist, it will be created by the action.

Elasticsearch authentication

When the Elasticsearch Action is created, a default authentication method, default_auth, is defined in the Action’s payload and will be used to authenticate to Elasticsearch.

However, the default method is available only with the Log Management Feature Module installed.

In case the Feature Module has not been installed, or the default authentication method is to be overwritten, one should:

  • Create a new certificate, signed by signed by the Elasticsearch instance specified in the endpoint field, or their CA

  • Copy the key, certificate and CA to /neteye/shared/tornado/conf/certs/

  • Specify the path to the new files in the auth field

To use a specific authentication method the Action should include the auth field with either of the following authentication types: None or PemCertificatePath.

With None authentication type the client connects to Elasticsearch without authentication:

   "type": "None"

PemCertificatePath authentication type means the client connects to Elasticsearch using the PEM certificates read from the local file system. When this method is used, the following information must be provided:

  • certificate_path: path to the public certificate accepted by Elasticsearch

  • private_key_path: path to the corresponding private key

  • ca_certificate_path: path to CA certificate needed to verify the identity of the Elasticsearch server

   "type": "PemCertificatePath",
   "certificate_path": "/neteye/shared/tornado/conf/certs/acme-elasticsearch.crt.pem",
   "private_key_path": "/neteye/shared/tornado/conf/certs/private/acme-elasticsearch.key.pem",
   "ca_certificate_path": "/neteye/shared/tornado/conf/certs/acme-root-ca.crt"

If a default method is not defined upon creation of an Action, then each action that does not specify authentication method will fail.