User Guide

El Proxy Security

The process of log management provided within NetEye grants data integrity and inalterability due to the feature implementation methods, in order to comply with standard NetEye policies.

El Proxy Security section should serve as a proof of El Proxy being a reliable tool for signing your logs and safely sending them to Elasticsearch. The implementation of El Proxy encounters risks mitigations, so that the data corruption is preventable, or on the other hand, traceable.

The main aspects of security within mentioned software are covered in:

  • Secured methods of communication and authentication

  • Log signature flow, explaining the logic of how El Poxy actually works

  • Error handling strategies El Proxy uses to recover after failures

  • Healthchecks that are run to make sure log collecting process wasn’t error-prone

Additionally, this section highlights some details of the configuration and can be used to modify the setup if required.

Secure Communication

When installed on NetEye, the El Proxy automatically starts in secure mode using TLS. Additionally, authentication with Elasticsearch is protected by certificates.

TLS Configuration

Advanced users should be able to check the location of the configuration files or modify the setup.

The El Proxy server can start in HTTP or HTTPS mode; this is configured in the config web_server.tls section.

The available modes are:

  • None: The El Proxy server starts with TLS disabled. Example:

    type = "None"
  • PemCertificatePath: The El Proxy server starts with TLS enabled using the PEM certificates read from the local file system. When this method is used, the following information must be provided:

    • certificate_path: path to the server public certificate

    • private_key_path: path to the server private key


    type = "PemCertificatePath"
    certificate_path = "/path/to/certs/ebp_server.crt.pem"
    private_key_path = "/path/to/certs/private/ebp_server.key.pem"

Authentication to Elasticsearch

When the Elasticsearch client is created, the authentication method to be used to connect to Elasticsearch needs to be specified. The authentication method defined in the configuration file is only used for the serve command.

The available authentication methods are:

  • None: the client connects to Elasticsearch without authentication. Example:

    type = "None"
  • BasicAuth: the client authenticates to Elasticsearch with username and password. When this method is used, the following information must be provided:

    • username: name of the Elasticsearch user

    • password: the password for the Elasticsearch user

    type = "BasicAuth"
    username = "myuser"
    password = "mypassword"
  • PemCertificatePath: the client connects to Elasticsearch using the PEM certificates read from the local file system. When this method is used, the following information must be provided:

    • certificate_path: path to the public certificate accepted by Elasticsearch

    • private_key_path: path to the corresponding private key


    type = "PemCertificatePath"
    certificate_path = "/path/to/certs/ebp.crt.pem"
    private_key_path = "/path/to/certs/private/ebp.key.pem"

Log Signature Flow

Generation of Signature Keys

El Proxy achieves secure logging by authentically encrypting each log record with an individual cryptographic key, which protects the integrity of the whole log archive by a cryptographic authentication code. The key is unique and is used for signing only once.

Each key is bound to a specific customer, module, retention policy and a tag. A unique combination of values of all mentioned properties serves to define a single blockchain the incoming log will be added to.

An encryption key for the initial log in a blockchain is generated upon the event of receiving the log from Logstash to be signed. The key file is saved on the filesystem in the {data_dir} folder with the following naming convention:


The key file is expected to contain:

  "key": "initial_key",
  "iteration": 0,
  "previous_hash": null


  • key is the initial encryption key the initial log is signed with

  • iteration is the iteration number for which the signature key is valid.

As the initial log is signed with the initial key, a new pair key/iteration is generated based on the latest key used for signature, where

  • key equals to the SHA256 hash of the previous key

  • iteration equals to the previous iteration incremented by one

  • previous_hash is the hash of the last signed log. Is only null for iteration zero.

For example, if the key at iteration 0 is:

  "key": "abcdefghilmno",
  "iteration": 0,
  "previous_hash": null

the next key will be:

  "key": "d1bf0c925ec44e073f18df0d70857be56578f43f6c150f119e931e85a3ae5cb4",
  "iteration": 1,
  "previous_hash": "HASH_OF_THE_PREVIOUS_LOG"

After the initial log is signed, a copy of the key file is created in the {data_backup_dir} folder with the following naming convention:


As soon as a new key file appears in the {data_backup_dir} folder, the Icinga2 service logmanager-blockchain-keys-neteyelocal will enter in CRITICAL state, indicating that a new key has been generated in the system. The new key must be moved in a safe place such as a password manager or a storage with restricted access.

This mechanism creates a blockchain of keys that cannot be altered without breaking the validity of the entire chain.

Every time a set of logs is successfully sent to Elasticsearch, the corresponding key file will be overwritten atomically with a the new key, removing the previously used key in the process.

However, in case of unmanageable Elasticsearch errors, the El Proxy will reply with an error message to Logstash and will reuse the keys of the failed call for the next incoming logs.


To be valid, the iteration values of signed logs in Elasticsearch should be incremental with no missing or duplicated values.

When the first log is received after its startup, the El Proxy calls Elasticsearch to query for the last indexed log iteration value to determine the correct iteration number for the next log. If the last log iteration value returned from Elasticsearch is greater than the value stored in the key file, the El Proxy will fail to process the log.

Usage of Signature Keys

For each incoming log, the El Proxy retrieves the first available encryption key, as described in the previous section, and then uses it to calculate the HMAC-SHA256 hash of the log.

The calculation of the HMAC hash takes into account:

  • the log itself as received from Logstash

  • the iteration number

  • the timestamp

  • the hash of the previous log

At this point, the signed log is a simple JSON object composed by the following fields:

  • All fields of the original log : all fields from the original log message

  • ES_BLOCKCHAIN: an object containing all the El Proxy’s calculated values. They are:

    • fields: fields of the original log used by the signature process

    • hash: the hmac hash calculate as described before

    • previous_hash: the hmac hash of the previous log message

    • iteration: the iteration number of the signature key

    • timestamp_ms: the signature epoch timestamp in milliseconds

For example, given this key:

  "key": "d1bf0c925ec44e073f18df0d70857be56578f43f6c150f119e931e85a3ae5cb4",
  "iteration": 11,
   "previous_hash": "HASH_OF_THE_PREVIOUS_LOG"

when this log is received:

   "value": "A log message",
   "origin": "linux-apache2",
      "agent": {
         "type": "auditbeat",
         "version": "7.10.1"
      "customer": "neteye",
      "retention": "6_months",
      "blockchain_tag": "0",
      "event": {
         "module": "elproxysigned"

then this signed log will be generated:

   "value": "A log message",
   "origin": "linux-apache2",
      "agent": {
         "type": "auditbeat",
         "version": "7.10.1"
      "customer": "neteye",
      "retention": "6_months",
      "blockchain_tag": "0",
      "event": {
         "module": "elproxysigned"
      "fields": {
         "value": "A log message",
         "origin": "linux-apache2"
      "hash": "HASH_OF_THE_CURRENT_LOG",
      "previous_hash": "HASH_OF_THE_PREVIOUS_LOG",
      "iteration": 11,
      "timestamp_ms": 123456789

The diagram shown in Fig. 199 offers a detailed view on how El Proxy uses the Signature Keys to sign a batch of Logs.


Fig. 199 El Proxy Log Signing flowchart

Below you can find the meaning of the variables used in the flowchart.


The key used to sign the logs of a given Blockchain b.


The log with greatest iteration saved in Elasticsearch for the Blockchain b.

How the data stream name is determined

The name of the Elasticsearch data stream for the signed logs is determined by the content of the EBP_METADATA field of the incoming Log.

The data stream name has the following structure:


The following rules and constraints are valid:

  • All of these fields are mandatory:

    • EBP_METADATA.agent.type

    • EBP_METADATA.customer

    • EBP_METADATA.retention

    • EBP_METADATA.blockchain_tag

  • If the {EBP_METADATA.event.module} is not present, El Proxy will use by default elproxysigned

  • If the fields {EBP_METADATA.data_stream.type} and {EBP_METADATA.data_stream.dataset} are present, they are used instead of {EBP_METADATA.agent.type} and {EBP_METADATA.agent.version} respectively in the data stream name.

For example, given this log is received on 23 March, 2021:

   "value": "A log message",
   "origin": "linux-apache2",
      "agent": {
         "type": "auditbeat",
         "version": "7.10.1"
      "customer": "neteye",
      "retention": "6_months",
      "blockchain_tag": "0",
      "event": {
         "module": "elproxysigned"

Then the inferred data stream name is: auditbeat-7.10.1-elproxysigned-neteye-6_months-0

As a consequence of the default values and of the default Logstash configuration, most of the data streams created by El Proxy will have elproxysigned in the name. Consequently, special care should be applied when manipulating those data streams and documents; in particular, the user must not delete or rename *-elproxysigned-* data streams manually nor alter the content of ES_BLOCKCHAIN or EBP_METADATA fields as any change could lead to a broken blockchain.

How Elasticsearch Ingest Pipeline are defined for each log

A common use case is that logs going through El Proxy need to be enriched by some Elasticsearch Ingest Pipeline when they are indexed in Elasticsearch.

El Proxy supports this use case and allows its callers to specify, for each log, the ID of Ingest Pipeline that needs to enrich the log. The ID of the Ingest Pipeline is defined by the field EBP_METADATA.pipeline of the incoming log. If EBP_METADATA.pipeline is left empty, the log will not be preprocessed by any specific Ingest Pipeline.

Error Handling

El Proxy implements two different recovery strategies in case of errors. The first one is a simple retry strategy used in case of unrecoverable communication errors with Elasticsearch; the second one, instead, is used in case Elasticsearch has issues with processing some of the sent logs and aims at doing whatever is possible in order to successfully save those logs in Elasticsearch. Both strategies resolve to the use of a Dead Letter Queue to deal with a widely known issue named backpressure.

Figure Fig. 200 shows how El Proxy integrates the two aforementioned strategies, which will be thoroughly explained in the next paragraphs.


Fig. 200 Error Handling in El Proxy

Strategy One: Bulk retry

El Proxy implements an optional retry strategy to handle communication errors with Elasticsearch; when enabled (see the Configuration section), whenever a generic error is returned by Elasticsearch, El Proxy will retry for a fixed amount of times to resubmit the same logs to Elasticsearch.

This strategy permits to deal, for example, with temporary networking issues without resolving to writing the logs in DLQ.

Nevertheless, while this can be useful in dealing with a large set of use cases, it should also be used very carefully. In fact, due to the completely sequential nature of the blockchain processing, a too high number of retries could lead to an ever growing queue of logs waiting to be processed while El Proxy is busy with processing over and over again the same failed logs.

In conclusion, whether it is better to let El Proxy fail fast or retry more times is a decision that needs a careful, case-by-case analysis.

Strategy Two: Single Log Reprocessing

In some cases, Elasticsearch can correctly process the log bulk request but it can fail to index some of the contained logs. In this situation, El Proxy reprocesses only those failed logs and follows a procedure aimed at ensuring that each signed log will be indexed in Elasticsearch.

The procedure is the following:

  1. If the log indexing error is caused by the fact that the Elasticsearch Ingest Pipeline specified for the log does not exist in Elasticsearch, then:

    1. El Proxy tries to index again the log without specifying any Ingest Pipeline. When doing this, El Proxy will also add the tag _ebp_remove_pipeline to the Elasticsearch document, so that once the log is indexed, it will be visible that the Ingest Pipeline was bypassed during the document indexing.

    2. If the indexing fails again, El Proxy proceeds with step 2 of this procedure.

  2. El Proxy removes from the failed log all the fields not required by the signature process and sends the modified document to Elasticsearch. Note that also all the document tags (including the _ebp_remove_pipeline tag) will be removed from the document.

    This strategy is based on the assumption that the indexing of the specific log fails due to incompatible operations requested by a pipeline. For example, a pipeline could attempt to lowercase a non-string field causing the failure. Consequently, resubmitting the log without the problematic fields could lead to a successful indexing.

Writing Logs to DLQ

If both Strategy One and Two fail to index logs in Elasticsearch, then El Proxy will dump the failed logs to a Dead Letter Queue on the filesystem and it will send an ok response to Logstash. Usually, when this happens, the blockchain will be in an incoherent state caused by holes in the numeric progression iteration. The administrator is in charge of investigating the issue and, if possible, recover the non-indexed logs with the dlq recover command or manually acknowledge the problem.

As mentioned before, the Dead Letter Queue is saved on the filesystem inside the {dlq_dir} folder as set in the configuration file. The Dead Letter Queue consists of a set of text files in Newline delimited JSON format with each row in a file representing a failed log. These files are grouped by customer, data stream name and date following the naming convention:


where {data_stream} is the name of the Elasticsearch data stream where the failed logs were supposed to be written and {date} is the date when logs were written to DLQ.

If the dlq recover command is used to recover the logs, the tag _ebp_dlq_recovered is added to each log at the moment of indexing in Elasticsearch. The successfully recovered logs are moved inside the {dlq_recovered} folder as set in the configuration file. The logs that failed to be recovered remain unchanged in the {dlq_dir} folder.

If the administrator wants to move the logs from the {dlq_dir} manually, the convention is to move them inside a folder called {archive_dlq}. The parent folder of each NDJSON file should not be changed. So the naming convention for a manually moved file should be:


Each entry in the Dead Letter Queue file contains the original log whose indexation failed and, if present, the Elasticsearch error that caused the failure. For example:

   "document":  {
      "value": "A log message",
      "origin": "linux-apache2",
      "EBP_METADATA": {
         "agent": {
            "type": "auditbeat",
            "version": "7.10.1"
         "customer": "neteye",
         "retention": "6_months",
         "blockchain_tag": "0",
         "event": {
            "module": "elproxysigned"
      "ES_BLOCKCHAIN": {
         "fields": {
            "value": "A log message",
            "origin": "linux-apache2"
         "hash": "HASH_OF_THE_CURRENT_LOG",
         "previous_hash": "HASH_OF_THE_PREVIOUS_LOG",
         "iteration": 11,
         "timestamp_ms": 123456789
   "el_error": {
         "reason": "field [string_field] of type [java.lang.Integer] cannot be cast to [java.lang.String]",
         "type": "illegal_argument_exception"

Health Checks

To make sure that the blockchain is sound and no errors occurred during the collection of the logs, NetEye defines different Health Checks to alert the users of any irregularities that may occur.

  • logmanager-blockchain-creation-status : Makes sure that all logs are written correctly into the blockchain.

If this Health Check is CRITICAL, it means that some logs could not be written successfully to Elasticsearch. The logs in question are then written to the Dead Letter Queue, where you can also find the reason for which they could not be indexed in Elasticsearch.

To resolve this issue visit section Handling Logs in Dead Letter Queue

  • logmanager-blockchain-keys : Verifies that no backup of the Signature Key is present on the NetEye installation, to prevent any tampering on the blockchains from a compromised system.

Background and solution for this issue can be found in Log Signature Flow.

  • logmanager-blockchain-missing-elasticsearch-pipeline : Checks if any Elasticsearch ingest pipeline used to enrich logs is missing.

If a log was sent through Logstash with a non-existing pipeline, Elasticsearch will refuse to persist the log and return with an error. As seen in Error Handling, the Health Check then periodically queries Elasticsearch for logs with a corresponding tag and if found, set the status to CRITICAL.

To resolve this, remove the tags from the document in Elasticsearch.

Error Tags

If an error occurs, El Proxy may add a tag to mark the log that caused the problem.

Currently, EL Proxy uses three tags to indicate such errors:

  • _ebp_remove_pipeline : Will be added as seen in this figure

  • _ebp_skip_previous_hash : Will be added to a log if the previous log hash was not available. You can have a look at Fig. 199 to understand the circumstances under which this can happen.

  • _ebp_dlq_recovered: Will be added to a log if it was recovered from the Dead Letter Queue with the dlq recover command.

Blockchain Verification

In order to ensure the underlying blockchain was not altered or corrupted, you can use verify command provided by El Proxy. Prior to running the command, you need to perform the verification setup.

The command retrieves signature data of each log stored in the Elasticsearch blockchain, recalculates the hash of each log and compares it with the one stored in the signature, reporting a CorruptionId for all non-matching logs of the blockchain. The CorruptionId can then also be used with the acknowledge command, as explained in section Acknowledging Blockchain Corruptions.

By default, the command verifies always two batches in parallel, however the argument --concurrent-batches allows the user to increase the amount of parallel workers.

The flowchart depicted in figure Fig. 201 provides a detailed view of the operations performed during the verification process and the reporting of discovered corruptions.


Fig. 201 El Proxy verification process Overview

For more information on the verify command and its parameters, please consult the associated El Proxy commands section.

Verification and Retention Policies

The blockchain stored in Elasticsearch is subject to a specific retention policy which defines how long the logs will be kept. When the logs reach their maximum age, Elasticsearch deletes them. If the logs inside the blockchain get deleted as an effect of the retention policy, it is impossible to verify the blockchain from start to end. For this reason, El Proxy must consider the retention policy and thus start verifying the blockchain from the first present log.

El Proxy uses a so-called Blockchain State History (BSH) file to retrieve the first present log inside the blockchain. This file is updated on every successful verification and contains one entry for each day that specifies the first and last iteration of the indexed logs for that day.

When the verify command is executed, El Proxy fetches the BSH file searching for the entry corresponding to the first day that still contains all the logs at the moment of the verification. If the entry is present, El Proxy can retrieve the first iteration for that day and start the verification from the iteration specified in the entry. If the entry is not present or El Proxy cannot get the first iteration from the BSH, then El Proxy directly queries Elasticsearch to retrieve the first present log.

Note that although querying Elasticsearch is an option, the only way for El Proxy to verify the blockchain’s integrity is to retrieve the first iteration from the BSH. For this reason, if the first log is retrieved by querying Elasticsearch, the verify command will throw a warning after the successful verification. For more information about warnings and errors that could appear during the verification, please consult associated section.

Verification and Duplicate Iterations

When verifying a blockchain, under particular circumstances the El Proxy verification may encounter multiple logs with the same iteration. This may happen for example when some logs end up in DLQ despite being actually indexed in Elasticsearch (e.g. due to an Elasticsearch internal server error) and then the dlq recover command is issued after the Elasticsearch data stream rollover has already been executed.

When multiple logs have the same iteration, the verification will verify each log with duplicate iteration and will report a corruption only if one of these logs is corrupted. If no corruption is present, the verify will anyway report a warning to signal the presence of duplicate logs.

Imagine for example that the following iterations are present in the blockchain: 1, 2(a), 2(b), 3. The verification will verify the log 2(a) by checking its hash, and ensuring its previous hash matches the hash of iteration 1. Then, in the exact same way, it will verify the log 2(b) (by checking its hash, and ensuring its previous hash matches the hash of iteration 1).

First Iteration Retrieval

During the verification process, one of the first steps performed by El Proxy is the retrieval of the first expected iteration. This aspect is particularly important when considering the retention policies, since the first expected iteration needs to be calculated based on the logs that we still expect to find in Elasticsearch. The following diagram outlines the first steps of the verification process which involve the retrieval of the first iteration and the various errors or warnings raised.


Fig. 202 El Proxy verification process - First iteration retrieval.

(*) for more information please refer to the following Must Exists vs May Exist section

Verification with Retries

The elasticsearch-indexing-delay parameter of the verify command can help when the Blockchain subject to verification contains recently created logs. The reason is that Elasticsearch might take some time to index a document; therefore, El Proxy could be trying to verify a batch in which some logs are missing. In order to avoid the erroneous failure of the verification, if El Proxy detects that some logs could be missing because of an indexing delay of Elasticsearch, it repeats the whole batch verification. The parameter elasticsearch-indexing-delay defines the maximum allowed time in seconds for Elasticsearch to index a document. If Elasticsearch takes more than elasticsearch-indexing-delay seconds to index a log, the verification will fail (see El Proxy Configuration). If we name timestamp_next_log the timestamp of the next present log and timestamp_verification the timestamp of the log verification, El Proxy considers a log as missing due to Elasticsearch indexing delay whenever timestamp_next_log > timestamp_verification - elasticsearch-indexing-delay. It is worth noticing that El Proxy will always retry the batch verification for a finite amount of time, corresponding to elasticsearch-indexing-delay seconds in the worst case.

Warnings and Error Codes

The verification process may complete successfully, emit an error or a warning. Errors thrown by El Proxy lead to a failed verification, while warnings may appear also on successful completion.

The following table reports the warnings that could be reported by El Proxy during the verification process, along with the possible causes and actions that can be taken to address the issue.

Warning Code



Untrusted First Iteration No State History

The first iteration found on the blockchain cannot be trusted because it differs from iteration zero, and the blockchain state history file was not found. Thus, El Proxy cannot confirm that the iterations preceding the one that was found are missing. After the first successful blockchain verification, the blockchain state history file will be created, and the warning will disappear. For more info on this topic, refer to the Verification and Retention Policies section.

Manually investigate the blockchain to confirm that all previous iterations are expected to be missing and re-run the verification.

Untrusted First Iteration Insufficient Info

The first iteration found on the blockchain cannot be trusted because it differs from iteration zero, and the blockchain state history file does not contain enough information to assess the expected first iteration of the blockchain. This warning is thrown when the time between two consecutive verifications exceeds the retention period of the Elasticsearch indices where the blockchain is stored, thus leading to an outdated blockchain state history file.

Reduce the time between consecutive verifications by increasing the verification frequency. For more info on how to modify the verification frequency, refer to the Verification Setup section.

Unknown First Iteration

The blockchain is empty, and the blockchain state history file does not contain any information about the expected first iteration. This warning is thrown on two occasions:

  • the blockchain is new and no logs have been indexed yet

  • all logs have been deleted from the blockchain before any successful verification

Ensure that the blockchain is empty because it is new, and wait for the first log to be indexed before running the verification again.

Empty Blockchain

The first expected iteration and all the subsequent iterations were not found in the blockchain. This warning differs from the Unknown First Iteration warning. In this case, the first expected iteration was retrieved from the blockchain state history file meaning that the blockchain could contain some logs with iterations preceding the retrieved first expected iteration. This warning can be thrown for two reasons:

  • no logs have been indexed on the blockchain for at least the amount of time corresponding to the retention period of the blockchain

  • all the logs that were indexed after the last successful verification have been deleted

Ensure that the absence of newly indexed logs in the blockchain is expected, and wait for some logs to be indexed before running the verification again.

Duplicate Log Found

The verification found one or more logs that are duplicate, meaning that they have the same iteration and also have a valid signature. The warning also specifies the iterations for which multiple logs are present. For more information see also: Verification and Duplicate Iterations.

Take note of the first reported duplicate iteration, access Elasticsearch (via Kibana for example), find the logs in the relative blockchain that have this iteration, and remove all of them except one (to maintain the validity of the blockchain).

Repeat the operation for each of the reported duplicate iterations.

Similarly, the following table reports the errors that could be reported by El Proxy during the verification process, along with the possible causes and actions that can be taken to address the issue.

Error Code



Empty Blockchain Corruption

The blockchain is empty, and the first expected iteration was not found, leading to a failed verification. El Proxy expected the first iteration based on the blockchain state history file written during the last successful blockchain verification. This error can be thrown if the blockchain state history file is corrupted or if all the logs have been deleted from the blockchain.

Ensure that the blockchain state history file has not been corrupted, then manually investigate the cause of the missing logs.

Log Verification Bad Iteration

The iteration of a log is wrong. This error could be thrown in case one or several consecutive logs are missing, or if one or several logs iterations have been modified.

Investigate the problem’s cause. If the missing logs are present in the DLQ you can try to recover them with the dlq recover command. In case the logs cannot be recovered, you can always acknowledge the error’s corruption id with the elastic-blockchain-proxy acknowledge command. After these operations you can run the verification again.

Log Verification Wrong Previous Hash

The previous hash of a log does not match the hash of the previous log. This error can be thrown if the log’s previous hash was modified.

Ensure to investigate the problem’s cause and acknowledge the error’s corruption id with the elastic-blockchain-proxy acknowledge command. Then run the verification again.

Log Verification Wrong Hash

The hash of a log does not match the hash corresponding to its content. This error can be thrown if the log’s content is modified.

Same as above.

Acknowledgement Verification Wrong Previous Hash

The previous hash of the acknowledgement for a corruption ID does not match the hash of the log right before the corrupted log. This error can be thrown if the previous hash of the acknowledgement has been modified.

Delete the acknowledgement and run the verification again.

Acknowledgement Verification Wrong Hash

The hash of the acknowledgement for a corruption ID does not match the expected hash. This error can be thrown if the acknowledgement content has been modified.

Same as above.