User Guide

Monitoring Status


The monitoring module provides an additional set of restrictions and permissions that can be used for access control. The following sections will list those restrictions and permissions in detail:

The monitoring module allows to send commands to an Icinga 2 instance. A user needs specific permissions to be able to send those commands when using the monitoring module.




Allow all commands.


Allow scheduling host and service checks.

monitoring/command/schedule-check /active-only

Allow scheduling host and service checks. (Only on objects with active checks enabled)

monitoring/command/acknowledge-pr oblem

Allow acknowledging host and service problems.

monitoring/command/remove-acknowl edgement

Allow removing problem acknowledgements.


Allow adding and deleting host and service comments.


Allow commenting on hosts and services.


Allow deleting host and service comments.


Allow scheduling and deleting host and service downtimes.

monitoring/command/downtime/sched ule

Allow scheduling host and service downtimes.

monitoring/command/downtime/delet e

Allow deleting host and service downtimes.

monitoring/command/process-check- result

Allow processing host and service check results.

monitoring/command/feature/instan ce

Allow processing commands for toggling features on an instance-wide basis.

monitoring/command/feature/object /*

Allow processing commands for toggling features on host and service objects.

monitoring/command/feature/object /active-checks

Allow processing commands for toggling active checks on host and service objects.

monitoring/command/feature/object /passive-checks

Allow processing commands for toggling passive checks on host and service objects.

monitoring/command/feature/object /notifications

Allow processing commands for toggling notifications on host and service objects.

monitoring/command/feature/object /event-handler

Allow processing commands for toggling event handlers on host and service objects.

monitoring/command/feature/object /flap-detection

Allow processing commands for toggling flap detection on host and service objects.

monitoring/command/send-custom-no tification

Allow sending custom notifications for hosts and services.


The monitoring module allows filtering objects:




Applies a filter to all hosts and services.

This filter will affect all hosts and services. Furthermore, it will also affect all related objects, like notifications, downtimes and events. If a service is hidden, all notifications, downtimes on that service will be hidden too.

Filter Column Names

The following filter column names are available in filter expressions:




Filter on an Icinga 2 instance.


Filter on host object names.


Filter on hostgroup object names.


Filter on service object names.


Filter on servicegroup object names.

all custom variables prefixed with _host_ or _service_

Filter on specified custom variables.

Restrict Access to Custom Variables

  • Restriction name: monitoring/blacklist/properties

  • Restriction value: Comma separated list of GLOB like filters

Imagine the following host custom variable structure:

|-- cmdb_name
|-- cmdb_id
|-- cmdb_location
|-- wiki_id
|-- passwords.
|   |-- mysql_password
|   |-- ldap_password
|   `-- mongodb_password
|-- legacy.
|   |-- cmdb_name
|   |-- mysql_password
|   `-- wiki_id
`-- backup.
    `-- passwords.
        |-- mysql_password
        `-- ldap_password


Blacklists cmdb_name in the first level of the custom variable structure only. host.vars.legacy.cmdb_name is not blacklisted.


All custom variables in the first level of the structure which begin with cmdb_ become blacklisted. Deeper custom variables are ignored. host.vars.legacy.cmdb_name is not blacklisted.


All custom variables in the first level of the structure which end with id become blacklisted. Deeper custom variables are ignored. host.vars.legacy.wiki_id is not blacklisted.


Matches all custom variables on the second level which are equal to mysql_password.


Matches all custom variables on the second level which end with password.


Matches all custorm variables on the second level which equal mysql_password or ldap_password.


Matches all custom variables on all levels which end with password.

Please note the two asterisks, **, here for crossing level boundaries. This syntax is used for matching the complete custom variable structure.

If you want to restrict all custom variables that end with password for both hosts and services, you have to define the following restriction.


Escape Meta Characters

Use backslash to escape the meta characters

  • *

  • ,


Matches all custom variables in the first level which equal *fall.

Add Columns to List Views

The monitoring module provides list views for hosts and services. These lists only provide the most common columns to reduce the backend query load.

If you want to add more columns to the list view e.g. in order to use the URL in your dashboards or as external iframe integration, you need the addColumns URL parameter.

Example for adding the host address attribute in a host list::


Fig. 116 Screenshot

Example for multiple columns as comma separated parameter string. This includes a reference to the Icinga 2 host object custom attribute os using _host_ as custom variable identifier:


Fig. 117 Screenshot

Monitoring view

The Monitoring panels in NetEye are divided into several sections, each carrying different information. Access to the Monitoring View requires the user to have a role with appropriate permissions in the Monitoring module; a Role with General Access Module usually suffices for this purpose.

Starting from Release 4.14, the new monitoringview module introduces a new functionality to selectively hide or show each section of the monitoring panels to a role - and therefore to a user. You can grant these permissions in Configuration > Access Control > Roles under the monitoringview module; each section as an associated permission with the same name:

  • Plugin Output: monitoringview/plugin-output

  • Problem handling: monitoringview/problem-handling

  • Performance Data: monitoringview/performance-data

  • Notifications: monitoringview/notifications

  • Check execution: monitoringview/check-execution

  • Feature Commands: monitoringview/feature-command

  • Custom variables: monitoringview/custom-variables


Monitoring Panels have two additional sections, Performance Graph and Quick Actions, which are not managed within this module. You can hide or show these sections by modifying the corresponding permission in their modules:

  • Performance Graph: Already present in ITOA module, this section can be hidden or shown by acting on general module access and analytics/view-performance-graph permission from analytic module.

  • Quick Actions: It is a monitoring module permission that can be used to hide complete or specific command with the monitoring/command/* permission. This Quick Actions section has commands like check now, Comment, Notification, Downtime.

Using the Custom Problem View

Access to the Problem View requires the user to have a role with appropriate permissions in the Monitoring module; a Role with General Access Module suffices for the purpose.

Starting from Release 4.13, a new functionality has been added to the Problems View. The new module customproblemview indeed, defines a new permission in the form of a filter called customproblemview/excludefilter/objects, which allows to define a suitable filter to show only a subset of host problems, service problems, or both.

In Configuration > Access Control > Roles, you can define the customproblemview/excludefilter/objects, that represents the monitoring filter, selecting the monitoring objects you want to filter out from the Problem View.

For example, let’s suppose that your monitoring system is monitoring both production and test environments. All hosts belonging to test environment belong to a “test-system” hostgroup. If you wan to see only the production hosts in the Problem View, you just need to create a role with the proper filter in customproblemview/excludefilter/objects (e.g. hostgroup=test-system).

Note that if a user belongs to more than one role with a specified customproblemview/excludefilter/objects, the filter will become more and more selective, showing only objects that belong to all the filters.

Protecting Credentials in the Monitoring Views

The monitoring views display the values for all fields configured for a host or service. These views will also display any custom variables you define as fields in the view. If one or more fields contain sensitive information such as MySQL accounts, passwords, or SNMP Community Strings, best practice is to hide the values of those fields in the monitoring views (they will remain visible in Director’s configuration panels).

protecting credentials

Fig. 118 Specifying fields containing credentials.

You can do this by going to Configuration > Modules > monitoring > Security (Fig. 118) and setting a pattern that will hide the values for all fields derived from custom variables where those fields’ names match the pattern. This pattern goes in the field “Protected Custom Variables”, where the syntax is defined by Icinga.

To summarize, this field should contain a comma separated list of case insensitive pattern strings, where * is the only allowed matching operator. Note that any spaces you include will count as part of the pattern between commas. The field is initially empty, with the suggested example *pw*,*pass*,community*, which would match the strings “pw”, “password”, and “Community”, among others.

If a field name matches the pattern, then that field’s value will be replaced with asterisks as shown in Fig. 119, hiding the real contents from view.

protected passwords

Fig. 119 Protected password in the host monitoring view.

Search Filtering

Include Custom Variables in Search Results by Default

By default, custom variables are not used for filtering monitoring search results. To change the default behavior and choose which custom variables to include automatically, you can use the dedicated panel in the Neteye module configuration section: simply write variable names (as displayed inside Hosts or Services) separated by commas, without any spaces.

form to configure custom vars in search

Fig. 120 Specifying custom variables to include by default.

You can do this by going to Configuration > Modules > neteye > Configuration (Fig. 120) and scroll down to the “Icinga Monitoring - Search Custom Vars” section. Here you can insert the names of the custom variables you want to extend the search results with by default, for both hosts and services.

The variables are saved in the Neteye module config.ini file, and now when you launch a search in the monitoring hosts or services list you’ll see that the filter is automatically updated and search results are linked to the custom variables you’ve chosen.

filter includes custom variables by default

Fig. 121 Custom variables are included in the filter automatically.