User Guide

How To Use the Monitoring Executor for setting statuses on any object

This How To is intended to help you configure, use, and test the Monitoring Executor, a new Tornado feature that allows to automatically create new hosts, services, or both in case an event received by Tornado refers to objects not yet known to Icinga and the Director. The Monitoring Executor performs a process-check-results on Icinga Objects, creating hosts and services in both Icinga and the Director if they do not exist already.

Requirements for the Monitoring Executor

A setup is needed on both Tornado and Icinga Director / Icinga 2:


In a production environment, Tornado can accept events from any collector and even via an HTTP POST request with a JSON payload; we will however show how to manually send an event to Tornado from the GUI to let a suitable rule to fire and create the objects.

To allow for a correct interaction between Tornado and Icinga 2 / Icinga Director, you need to make sure that the corresponding username and password are properly set to your dedicated Tornado user in the files:



If one or both passwords are empty, probably you need to execute the neteye install script, that will take care of setting the passwords.

Icinga Director / Icinga 2

In Icinga, create a host template and a service template that we will then use to create the hosts, so make sure to write down the name given to the two templates.

  • Create a host template called host_template_example with the following properties:

    • Check command: dummy

    • Execute active checks: No

    • Accept passive checks: Yes

  • Create a service template called service_template_example with the following properties:

    • Check command: dummy

    • Execute active checks: No

    • Accept passive checks: Yes

  • Deploy this configuration to Icinga 2


We will set up a rule that intercepts an event sent by the SNMPtrapd Collector, so let’s suppose that Tornado receives the following event.

  "created_ms": 1000,
  "type": "snmptrapd",
  "payload": {
    "src_port": "9999",
    "dest_ip": "",
    "oids": {
      "SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0": {
        "datatype": "OID",
        "content": "ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciMajorAlarm"
      "ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciLSNExt1": {
        "content": "ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED",
        "datatype": "STRING"
      "ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciObjectName": {
        "content": "",
        "datatype": "STRING"
    "src_ip": "",
    "protocol": "UDP",
    "PDUInfo": {
      "messageid": 0,
      "notificationtype": "TRAP",
      "version": 1,
      "errorindex": 0,
      "transactionid": 1,
      "errorstatus": 0,
      "receivedfrom": "UDP: []:9999->[]:4444",
      "community": "public",
      "requestid": 1

We want to use the payload of this event to carry out two actions:

  1. Set the status of a service

  2. create the host and service if the do not exist already.

To do so, we will build a suitable rule in Tornado, that defines the conditions for triggering the actions and exploits the Monitoring Executor’s ability to interact with Icinga to actually carry them out.


When you create your own rules, please pay attention to the correct escaping of the SNMP strings, or the rule might not fire correctly!

Step #1: Define the Rule’s Conditions

This first task is fairly simple: Given the event shown in the Scenario above, we want to set a critical status on the service specified in payload -> oids -> ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciObjectName -> content, when both these conditions are met:

  1. payload -> oids -> SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 -> content is equal to ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciMajorAlarm

  2. payload -> oids -> ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciLSNExt1 -> content is equal to ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED

We capture all these conditions by creating the following rule in the Tornado GUI (you can set the not mentioned options at your preference):

  • Name: choose the name you prefer

  • Description: a string like Set the critical status for snmptrap

  • Constraint: you can copy and paste it for simplicity:

"WHERE": {
    "type": "AND",
    "operators": [
          "type": "equals",
          "first": "${event.type}",
          "second": "snmptrapd"
          "type": "equals",
          "first": "${event.payload.oids.\"SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0\".content}",
          "second": "ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciMajorAlarm"
          "type": "equals",
          "first": "${event.payload.oids.\"ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciLSNExt1\".content}",
          "second": "ALM_UNACKNOWLEDGED"

Step #2: Define the Actions

Now that we have defined the rule’s conditions, we want the rule to trigger the two actions

  1. a Monitoring action that will set the critical status for the service specified in payload -> oids -> ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciObjectName -> content

  2. if necessary, create the underlying host and service in Icinga2 and in the Director

To do so we need to configure the payload of the Monitoring action as follows (check the snippet below).

  • action_name must be set to create_and_or_process_service_passive_check_result

  • process_check_result_payload must contain:

    • the service on which to perform the process-check-result, using the <host_name>!<service_name> notation

    • exit_status for a critical event, which is equal to 2

    • a human readable plugin_output

    The fields contained in this payload correspond to those that are used by the Icinga2 APIs, therefore you can also provide more data in the payload to create more precise rules.

  • host_creation_payload takes care of creating the underlying host with the following properties:

    • a (hard-coded) host name (although it can be configured from the payload of the event)

    • the host template we created in the Requirements section (i.e., host_template_example)

  • service_creation_payload takes care of creating the underlying service with the following properties:

    • the name of the service as provided in payload -> oids -> ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciObjectName   -> content

    • the service template we created in the Requirements section (i.e., service_template_example)

    • the host as the one specified in host_creation_payload


In process_check_result_payload it is mandatory to specify the object on which to perform the process-check-result with the field “service” (or “host”, in case of check result on a host). This means that for example specifying the object with the field “filter” is not valid

The above actions can be written as the following JSON code, that you can copy and paste within the Actions textfield of the rule. Make sure to maintain the existing square brackets in the textfield!

  "id": "monitoring",
  "payload": {
    "action_name": "create_and_or_process_service_passive_check_result",
    "process_check_result_payload": {
      "exit_status": "2",
      "plugin_output": "CRITICAL - Found alarm ${event.payload.oids.\"SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0\".content}",
      "service": "acme-host!${event.payload.oids.\"ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciObjectName\".content}",
      "type": "Service"
    "host_creation_payload": {
      "object_type": "Object",
      "object_name": "acme-host",
      "imports": "host_template_example"
    "service_creation_payload": {
      "object_type": "Object",
      "host": "acme-host",
      "object_name": "${event.payload.oids.\"ECI-ALARM-MIB::eciObjectName\".content}",
      "imports": "service_template_example"

Now we can save the rule and then deploy the Rule.

Step #3: Send the Event

With the rule deployed, we can now use the Tornado GUI’s test window to send a payload and test the rule.

In the test window, add snmptrapd as Event Type and paste the following code as Payload. Now, with the Enable execution of actions disabled, click on the Run test button. If everything is correct, you will see a MATCHED string appear on the left-hand side of the rule’s name. Now, enable the execution of actions and click again on the Run test button.

Now, on the NetEye GUI you should see that in both Icinga 2 and in the Director:

  • a new host unknown-host was created–in Icinga 2 it will have state pending since we did no checks on it

  • a new service was created–in Icinga 2 with state critical (may be SOFT, depending on your configuration)


In this how-to we created a specific rule for setting the critical status of a non-existing service. Of course with more information on the incoming events we may want to add different rules so that Tornado can set the status of the service to ok for example, when another event with different content arrives.