User Guide

How to Create Independent Pipelines with a Filter

We can use Filters to organize coherent set of Rules into isolated pipelines.

In this example we will see how to create two independent pipelines, one that receives only events with type ‘email’, and the other that receives only those with type ‘trapd’.

Our configuration directory will look like this::

  |- email
  |    |- ruleset
  |    |     |- ... (all rules about emails here)
  |    \- only_email_filter.json
  |- trapd
  |    |- ruleset
  |    |     |- ... (all rules about trapds here)
  |    \- only_trapd_filter.json
  \- filter_all.json

This Processing Tree has a root Filter filter_all that matches all events. We have also defined two inner Filters; the first, only_email_filter, only matches events of type ‘email’. The other, only_trapd_filter, matches just events of type ‘trap’.

Therefore, with this configuration, the rules defined in email/ruleset receive only email events, while those in trapd/ruleset receive only trapd events.

This configuration can be further simplified by removing the filter_all.json file:

  |- email
  |    |- ruleset
  |    |     |- ... (all rules about emails here)
  |    \- only_email_filter.json
  \- trapd
       |- ruleset
       |     |- ... (all rules about trapds here)
       \- only_trapd_filter.json

In this case, in fact, Tornado will generate an implicit Filter for the root node and the runtime behavior will not change.

Below is the content of our JSON Filter files.

Content of filter_all.json (if provided):

  "description": "This filter allows every event",
  "active": true

Content of only_email_filter.json:

  "description": "This filter allows events of type 'email'",
  "active": true,
  "filter": {
    "type": "equals",
    "first": "${event.type}",
    "second": "email"

Content of only_trapd_filter.json:

  "description": "This filter allows events of type 'trapd'",
  "active": true,
  "filter": {
    "type": "equals",
    "first": "${event.type}",
    "second": "trapd"