User Guide

Single Node Upgrade from 4.40 to 4.41

This guide will lead you through the steps specific for upgrading a NetEye Single Node installation from version 4.40 to 4.41.

Upgrading a NetEye Single Node takes a nontrivial amount of time. Granted the environment connectivity is seamless, the upgrade procedure may take up to 30 minutes.


Remember that you must upgrade sequentially without skipping versions, therefore an upgrade to 4.41 is possible only from 4.40; for example, if you have version 4.27, you must first upgrade to the 4.28, then 4.29, and so on.

Breaking Changes

Disabling the built-in elastic user

Starting from NetEye 4.41, the built-in elastic user will be disabled by default in the Elasticsearch cluster. This user is typically used only during the initial setup of the system. However, if you are actively using this account, we recommend creating a new dedicated user for your needs.


Before starting the upgrade, you should read very carefully the latest release notes on NetEye’s blog and check out the features that will be changed or deprecated after the upgrade.

  1. All NetEye packages installed on a currently running version must be updated according to the update procedure prior to running the upgrade.

  2. NetEye must be up and running in a healthy state.

  3. Disk Space required:

    • 3GB for / and /var

    • 150MB for /boot

  4. If the SIEM module is installed:

    • The domain should be reachable by the NetEye Master only during the update/upgrade procedure. This domain is needed to update additional Logstash plugins and thus is required only if you manually installed any Logstash plugin that is not present by default.

1. Run the Upgrade

To perform the upgrade, run from the command line the following command:

neteye# (nohup neteye upgrade &) && tail --retry -f nohup.out

After the command was executed, the output will inform if the upgrade was successful or not:

  • In case of successful upgrade you might need to restart NetEye to properly apply the upgrades. If the reboot is not needed, please skip the next step.

  • In case the command fails refer to the troubleshooting section.

2. Reboot

Restart NetEye to apply the upgrades correctly.

neteye# neteye node reboot

3. Additional Tasks