User Guide

NetEye Core & Components

All the funtionality provided by NetEye is delivered to the users within NetEye Modules.

The Modules that are shipped with the standard NetEye image build NetEye Core. All other Modules are called NetEye Components and can be installed on demand. More information can be found in section Additional NetEye Components.

Core Modules

  • Once you have some insight into monitoring and the monitoring engine, you can use the ITOA’s dashboarding and visualization features to understand what is happening at any moment. This lets you view collected performance data integrated into a time series database for data analytics.

  • Business Processes allow you to drill down from high-level services such as email or ERP to progressively lower-level services such as database servers and routers. This can help you to prioritize which devices should be repaired first in the event of an emergency, as well as explore recovery strategies with hypothetical incidents.

  • The Audit Log module collects and records changes to the configuration of NetEye itself, allowing administrators to see who has changed what.

  • The Shutdown Manager module is useful for large data centers that need to be prepared for emergencies. It allows you to configure ordered server shutdown scenarios in case of fire or electrical outages, so you can shut down groups of hosts in a preset sequence.

  • The Geo Map module lets you monitor your hosts from a geographical perspective overlaid on maps from the OpenStreetMap open source initiative. All of the standard map interface tools are there, such as zooming, panning and markers. Markers are linked directly to monitoring views.

  • Integration with NagVis allows you to use overlaid maps to graphically see which network channels are operating within parameters for those organizations that have multiple physical locations.

  • Tornado is a Complex event processor that allows to search for patterns in various data sources and react by executing predefined actions, like sending notification or saving the event in dedicated location (e.g., in a file or database).


NetEye components may vary over time, especially Preview Software, and Beta Software. Here we describe some of the NetEye Modules that belong to Components.

  • Log management. The configuration, collection and centralization of auditing and log data can be found in the Siem Module.

  • The Service Level Management (SLM) module lets you create definitions of the contracts for which you can calculate metrics like availability over a set of monitored objects (e.g., hosts and services). This data can then be used to create an availability report in the Reporting module.

  • NetEye integration with Alyvix service allows to perform Visual Monitoring with Alyvix targeting the Alyvix nodes, with planned support for scheduling test cases, assigning test cases to sessions on different Alyvix machines, and more.

  • Network Visibility. NetEye provides possibility to check, monitor, and store data about the traffic flowing through it. These functionalities are provided by ntopng software, which seamlessly integrates within NetEye and allows for inspection of networks flows.

  • NetEye’s Asset Management Module serves to keep an inventory of a company’s IT infrastructure. For that purpose NetEye integrates the server and agent part of the GLPI Open Source Software, which helps you plan and manage IT changes in an easy way, efficiently solve problems and automate business processes.

  • The Command Orchestrator Module, another option of NetEye’s Service Management functionality along with the Asset Management module, allows to execute predefined commands (also remotely) on hosts without having access to them.

  • Further modules are available, which can be added as detailed in the Installing Additional Modules page.