User Guide


APM Configuration

The APM functionality is already configured to work out-of-the-box in NetEye installations if all the listed requirements are satisfied. The APM Server is exposed through Nginx using the certificate and key located at /neteye/local/elastic-agent/conf/fleet/certs/apm-server-external.crt and /neteye/local/elastic-agent/conf/fleet/certs/private/apm-server-external.key.

The certificate and key, which are the same as the ones used by Httpd, are automatically generated upon NetEye first installation procedure. However, it is recommended, as described in this procedure, to install a new trusted certificate as soon as possible, on all Operative Nodes.


Please take note that in order to allow the correct communication between Elastic Agents and the APM Server, the full chain of certificates should be included in the certificate file.

Moreover, the cryptographic settings applied to the SSL connections replicate the settings applied at a system level, which may be changed as described in the official RHEL documentation.

Since APM Server is running as an Elastic Agent integration, this procedure can be followed in order to customize the APM Server configuration as part of the Elastic Agent configuration settings.

Collecting APM Data

In order to collect APM Data, the following two components are required:

  • An APM Agent, that will measure APM data and traces from a specific target. If additional APM Agents are required, the official Elastic guide about APM Agents can be followed.

  • An APM Server, in charge of collecting the APM Data from the related Agents.

The APM Server installation varies depending on the target tenant from which APM data are collected. The following sections will explain the configuration of the two main scenarios of collecting APM data:

From the Master Tenant

By default, NetEye comes with a preconfigured APM Server running in the Operatives nodes and collecting NetEye Master related APM data. The default implementation works out-of-the-box without the need for any additional configuration, assigning the collected data to the master namespace.

Then, to collect APM data from the Master Tenant using additional APM Agents, simply configure the APM Agent on your target application and set as output the FQDN of your NetEye Master.

Please also notice that the NetEye APM Server integration by default requires API key authentication from the agents. To create and set the API key in your APM agent you can refer to Create an API key in the APM app.

From other Tenants

In order to collect APM data from other tenants, a NetEye Satellite is required. Since NetEye currently does not officially support this scenario, you can follow the guidelines listed in the section dedicated to the Elastic Agent Configuration on Satellites in order to collect APM data from a specific tenant. The linked guide will explain how to configure an Elastic Agent, installed on the NetEye Satellite, on which an APM Server integration can be added in order to fulfill this requirement.

To configure a secure connection for the APM data transmission, the creation of an API key for the APM Agent authentication is strongly suggested. You can configure a dedicated API Key through the user interface of Kibana.