API Reference¶
The Tornado API lets you automate all the tasks that are available for execution over the WEB-GUI by calling the endpoints directly. In this section we will go over all the available endpoints and how to use them to query and modify the Tornado Processing Tree.
All available endpoints can be found by default under http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/
Tornado does not yet support Multitenancy for the draft editing. Your Tornado installation has exactly one active Processing Tree and zero to one drafts with a dedicated owner of said draft. If another user already owns the draft or another api-client or user takes over the draft, during execution, then future requests will be rejected by the endpoint.
There is no reliable way right now to detect whether a draft contains any changes to the current active Processing Tree. So you might need to take over the existing draft, overwrite it, or ask the user to deploy and delete the current draft before you can continue.
Getting Started¶
This section will help to get started with using the Tornado API to edit the Processing Tree through the whole life cycle of a draft. First we’ll create a draft, add a node, edit that node and then deploy the draft so that our changes will end up in the actual environment.
First of all, we need an authorization token, so that Tornado lets us use the API. That token
contains a unique name and its permissions. The name for our client will be api-filter-manager
since it will create a new filter for the master tenant. Since we are only operating on the master
node, we restrict the token to that path, so we can’t accidentally edit something else.
AUTH_TOKEN=$(echo "$TOKEN_CONTENT" | base64 --wrap=0)
Before we can edit the draft, we need to make sure that the draft is not being edited at the moment by another user. To do that we make a request to check that no drafts are currently present:
curl -XGET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
This request should return an empty array. If not, it’s safest to ask the user to deploy and/or delete the current draft before continuing, so that the execution does not interfere with any ongoing modifications to the draft.
Now that we are sure we have a clean slate to work on, we first need to create our own draft. For this, we make a POST request to the appropriate endpoint:
RESULT=$(curl -XPOST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
DRAFT_ID=$(echo $RESULT | jq .id --raw-output)
We now have successfully created the draft we want to work on. Next we are going to actually create a new node in the Processing Tree and then edit it. First, we make a POST request to create a new filter node as a child of the master tenant. We just provide the new name for now.
curl -XPOST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
--data '{"type": "Filter","name":"meaning_of_life","active":true,"description":"","filter":null}' \
Next, let’s add a filter to the filter node, so that the children only receive the event designated to them. We’ll do that by first fetching the data for that node from the API, editing it and then send the edited node to Tornado. The creation could be done in one step, but this helps to better illustrate the interaction between the APIs.
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
FILTER_NODE=$(echo "$FILTER_NODE" | jq '.filter = {"type":"AND","operators":[{"type":"equals","first":"${event.payload.meaning_of_life}","second":42}]}')
curl -XPUT \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
--data "$FILTER_NODE" \
Now that we have the node ready for use, we can import some base config we want the filter node to
have. We assume this configuration is located in the file filter-base-config.json
in the current working directory.
curl -XPOST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
-F 'file=@filter-base-config.json' \
Now we finally configured our new filter how we wanted. The last step is just to deploy the whole configuration so that it can pick up work in the active production environment. After the deploy, we will remove the old draft so that the next user has a clean slate, when he wants to further edit the Tornado config.
curl -XPOST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
curl -XDELETE \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
With that we have completed the life cycle of a Tornado config draft. The new filter is now ready to process events for Tornado. For further use, check out all the following Documented API endpoints.
Active Processing Tree¶
The Tornado API provides you an easy way to traverse your Processing Tree.
Get Tree Info¶
This endpoint lets you fetch a small summary about the subtree of the tenant.
Url: GET <base-url>/config/active/tree/info/{param_auth}
Required Permission: view
Parameters: See Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/active/tree/info/my-auth" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
This endpoint returns a JSON object with the following properties:
Property |
Type |
Description |
filters_count |
Integer |
The total number of filters in the whole subtree |
rules_count |
Integer |
The total number of rules in the whole subtree |
Get Node Details¶
This endpoints lets you fetch all information about a single node in the currently active Processing Tree.
Url: GET <base-url>/config/active/tree/details/{param_auth}/{node_path}
Required Permission: view
Parameters: See Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/active/tree/details/my-auth/root,master" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
Result: This endpoint returns a JSON object of type NodeDetails if a node exists in the given path and the api-user has permission to access it.
Get Child Nodes¶
This endpoints lets you fetch basic information about all the child nodes of a specific filter node.
Url: GET <base-url>/config/active/tree/details/{param_auth}/{node_path}
Required Permission: view
Parameters: See Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/active/tree/details/my-auth/root,master" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
Result: This endpoint returns a JSON list of NodeInfo if the node selected is a filter node and the api-user has permission to access it.
Get Rule¶
This endpoints lets you fetch all information about a single Rule in the currently active Processing Tree.
Url: GET <base-url>/config/active/rule/details/{param_auth}/{ruleset_path}/{rule_name}
Required Permission: view
Parameters: See: Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/active/rule/details/my-auth/root,master,my_ruleset" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
Result: This endpoint returns a Rule from the Processing Tree if the node selected is a Ruleset node, a rule with the given name exists and the api-user has the necessary permissions to access it.
Draft Processing Tree¶
Creating a Draft¶
This endpoint lets you create a new draft for the current active Processing Tree.
If a draft already exists, this endpoint will overwrite the current draft. Make sure there’s no currently active draft, before creating a new one.
Url: POST <base-url>/config/drafts/{param_auth}
Required Permission: edit
Parameters: See Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/drafts/my-auth" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
This endpoint returns the draft_id
for the created draft.
Property |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
The id for the newly created draft. |
Retrieving All Available Drafts¶
This endpoint lets you list out all available drafts for a specific authorization.
Url: GET <base-url>/config/drafts/{param_auth}
Required Permission: view
Parameters: See Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/drafts/my-auth" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
Result: This endpoint returns a list of draft_ids available for the selected authorization.
Taking Over Draft¶
This endpoint lets you take over the ownership of a draft from another user.
Url: POST <base-url>/config/drafts/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/takeover
Required Permission: edit
Parameters: See Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/drafts/my-auth/draft_001/takeover" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the takeover succeeded, otherwise it returns an error.
Deploying a Draft¶
This endpoint lets you deploy a draft to be the new active Processing Tree. Note that this endpoint only deploys the draft, and doesn’t delete it automatically
Url: POST <base-url>/config/drafts/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/deploy
Required Permission: edit
Parameters: See Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/drafts/my-auth/draft_001/deploy" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the deploy succeeded, otherwise it returns an error.
Deleting a Draft¶
This endpoint allows you to delete an existing draft.
Url: DELETE <base-url>/config/drafts/{param_auth}/{draft_id}
Required Permission: edit
Parameters: See Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/drafts/my-auth/draft_001" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the deploy succeeded, otherwise it returns an error.
Get Draft Node Details¶
Same as Get Node Details, but for a draft.
Url: GET <base-url>/config/draft/tree/details/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{node_path}
Required Permission: view
Get Draft Node Children¶
Same as Get Child Nodes, but for a draft.
Url: GET <base-url>/config/draft/tree/children/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{node_path}
Required Permission: view
Create Node in Draft¶
Create a new child node of an existing node in the draft.
Url: POST <base-url>/config/draft/tree/details/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{node_path}
Required Permission: edit
Type |
Source |
Description |
Body |
Pass the configuration of the node to create |
See also: Common Request Types
curl -XPOST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
--data '{"type": "Filter","name":"tenantA","active":true,"description":"","filter":{"type":"equals","first":"${event.metadata.tenant_id}","second":"tenantA"}}' \
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the deploy succeeded, otherwise it returns an error.
Import Child Node¶
Import an exported configuration as a new child node.
Url: POST <base-url>/config/draft/tree/import/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{node_path}
Required Permission: edit
Name |
Source |
Description |
file |
Body |
A file to upload |
curl -XPOST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>" \
-F 'file={"version":"1.0","Ruleset":{"name":"my_ruleset","rules":[]}}' \
Result: Same as Create Node in Draft
Import Node to Replace¶
This endpoint lets you replace an entire subtree with an exported version of the Tornado Processing Tree.
Url: PUT <base-url>/config/draft/tree/import/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{node_path}
Required Permission: edit
Parameters: Same as Import Child Node
Edit Node in Draft¶
To edit a node in the draft you can use this endpoint. The endpoint however only lets you edit some details of the node. The operation will neither affect the children of the node, nor the node’s type.
You always have to supply the full config of the node every time, even for editing just the node name. All the data will be overwritten every time.
Url: PUT <base-url>/config/draft/tree/details/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{node_path}
Required Permission: edit
Type |
Source |
Description |
Body |
Pass the configuration of the node to create |
curl -XPOST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>" \
--data '{"name":"my_ruleset2"}' \
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the edit operation succeeds, otherwise it returns an error.
Get Rule¶
Same as Get Rule, but for a draft.
Url: GET <base-url>/config/draft/rule/details/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{ruleset_path}/{rule_name}
Required Permission: view
Parameters: See: Common Request Types
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/draft/rule/details/my-auth/draft_001/root,master,my_ruleset/my_rule" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
Result: This endpoint returns a Rule from the draft if the node selected is a Ruleset node, a rule with the given name exists and the api-user has the necessary permissions to access it.
Create Rule¶
Create a new rule in an existing ruleset.
Url: POST <base-url>/config/draft/rule/details/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{ruleset_path}
Required Permission: edit
Type |
Source |
Description |
Body |
Path to the existing ruleset where to create the new rule |
See also: Common Request Types
curl -XPOST \
"http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/draft/rule/details/my-auth/draft_001/root,master,my_ruleset" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"my_rule","description":"","continue":true,"active":true,"constraint":{"WHERE":{"type":"AND","operators":[{"type":"contains","first":"${event.type}","second":"mail"}]},"WITH":{}},"actions":[{"id":"archive","payload":{"archive_type":"ARCHIVE TYPE","event":"${event}"}}]}'
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the add operation succeeds, otherwise it returns an error.
Edit Rule¶
Edit an existing rule.
Url: PUT <base-url>/config/draft/rule/details/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{ruleset_path}/{rule_name}
Required Permission: edit
Type |
Source |
Description |
Body |
Path to the existing ruleset where to find the rule to edit |
See also: Common Request Types
curl -XPUT \
"http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/draft/rule/details/my-auth/draft_001/root,master,my_ruleset/my_rule" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"my_rule","description":"","continue":true,"active":true,"constraint":{"WHERE":{"type":"AND","operators":[{"type":"contains","first":"${event.type}","second":"mail"}]},"WITH":{}},"actions":[{"id":"archive","payload":{"archive_type":"ARCHIVE TYPE","event":"${event}"}}]}'
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the edit operation succeeds, otherwise it returns an error.
Delete Rule¶
Delete an existing rule.
Url: DELETE <base-url>/config/draft/rule/details/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{ruleset_path}/{rule_name}
Required Permission: edit
Parameters See: Common Request Types
curl -XDELETE \
"http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/draft/rule/details/my-auth/draft_001/root,master,my_ruleset/my_rule" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>"
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the delete operation succeeds, otherwise it returns an error.
Reorder Rule in Ruleset¶
Reorder an existing rule in relation of the other rules of the same ruleset.
Url: PUT <base-url>/config/draft/rule/move/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{ruleset_path}/{rule_name}
Required Permission: edit
Type |
Source |
Description |
ruleset_path |
Path to the existing ruleset where to create the new rule |
Body |
New position of the rule in the ruleset |
curl -XPUT \
"http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/config/draft/rule/move/my-auth/draft_001/root,master,my_ruleset/my_rule" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"position":"3"}'
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the edit operation succeeds, otherwise it returns an error.
Export Subtree¶
With this Enpoint you can export a subtree of tornado, starting from a given base node.
Url: PUT <base-url>/config/draft/tree/export/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{node_path}
Required Permission: view
Parameters: See Common Request Types
curl -XGET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>" \
-o export.json \
Result: Returns a HTTP file attachment containing the config of the entire subtree.
Delete Draft Node¶
Delete a Node in the Draft, along with all of its children.
Url: DELETE <base-url>/config/draft/tree/details/{param_auth}/{draft_id}/{node_path}
Required Permission: edit
Result: This endpoint returns nothing if the request succeeded, otherwise it returns an error.
Test Event API¶
Send Test Event To Active Processing Tree¶
This endpoint lets you process a test event with the current active Tornado Processing Tree.
Url: POST /api/v2_beta/event/active/{param_auth}
Required Permissions: view
OR edit
Optional Permissions: test_event_execute_actions
to execute the actions if they match
Name |
Source |
Description |
param_auth |
Path |
The authorization from the header to use. |
event |
Body |
A tornado event to process with the Processing Tree |
process_type |
Body |
Either |
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/event/active/my-auth" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>" \
--data '{"event":{"type":"the_event_type","created_ms":123456,"payload":{}},"process_type":"Full"}'
Property |
Type |
Description |
event |
The initial event that was sent over the request |
result |
The Processing Tree, starting from the auth root, enriched with data about how the event was processed. |
Send Test Event To Draft Processing Tree¶
Process a test event with a draft Tornado Processing Tree.
Url: POST /api/v2_beta/event/draft/{param_auth}/{draft_id}
Required Permissions: view
OR edit
Optional Permissions: test_event_execute_actions
to execute the actions if they match
Parameters: Same as Send Test Event To Active Processing Tree
curl "http://tornado.neteyelocal:4748/api/v2_beta/event/draft/my-auth/draft_001" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>" \
--data '{"event":{"type":"the_event_type","created_ms":123456,"payload":{}},"process_type":"Full"}'
Result: Same as Send Test Event To Active Processing Tree
Test Event Types¶
The content of the processed node vary by node type.
Property |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Either Filter or Ruleset |
name |
String |
The name of the node |
Property |
Type |
Description |
filter.status |
String |
On of Matched, NotMatched or Ignored |
nodes |
A list of the filters child nodes. (Only populated if filter status is Matched) |
Property |
Type |
Description |
rules.rules |
A list of all the rules in the ruleset with extra processing information. |
rules.extracted_vars |
Object |
A map of all extracted variables |
Property |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the Rule |
status |
String |
On of Matched, NotMatched, PartiallyMatched or NotProcessed |
action |
Action[] |
A list of all actions performed by the rule |
message (Optional) |
String |
An error message if a rule was only partially matched |
meta.actions (Optional) |
Object[] |
A list of resolved rules, with extra metadata for the processing |
Should any error occur, you can consult the Tornado logs to see what went wrong. You can find out how to do this on the page Activate Debug Logging for Tornado.
Tornado API Common Types¶
In this section you can find all types that are either accepted or returned by the Tornado Api.
Property |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the rule |
description |
String |
A short user provided description of the rule |
continue |
Boolean |
Determines whether the rule processing should be terminated if the rule matches |
active |
Boolean |
Determines whether the rule is active at the moment |
constraint |
[] |
A list of all the constraint that determine the actions to be performed or not |
actions |
[] |
A list of all the actions of the rule |
"name": "vmdevents",
"description": "Log and propagate vmd-alarms.",
"continue": true,
"active": true,
"constraint": {
"WHERE": {
"type": "AND",
"operators": [
"type": "equals",
"first": "${event.payload.foo}",
"second": "bar"
"WITH": {
"variable_1": {
"from": "${event.payload}",
"regex": {
"type": "Regex",
"match": ".*",
"group_match_idx": null,
"all_matches": false
"modifiers_post": [
"type": "Lowercase"
"type": "ReplaceAll",
"find": "foo",
"replace": "bar",
"is_regex": false
"actions": [
"id": "elasticsearch",
"payload": {
"auth": {
"jwc": true
"data": {
"id": 2
"endpoint": "elasticsearch.neteyelocal",
"index": "foobar"
Property |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the rule |
description |
String |
A short user provided description of the rule |
continue |
Boolean |
Determines whether the rule processing should be terminated if the rule matches |
active |
Boolean |
Determines whether the rule is active at the moment |
actions |
String[] |
A list of the names of all actions the rule will perform |
"name": "vmdevents",
"description": "Log and propagate vmd-alarms.",
"continue": true,
"active": true,
"actions":[ "archive", "script" ]
Property |
Type |
Description |
position |
Integer |
The new position of the rule in the ruleset |
"position": "3"
The operators are the same as in the config. You can learn all about them in the Tornado WHERE Conditions section of the userguide
The node info gives a quick summary of a node in the Processing Tree. To distinguish between the
two, the NodeDetails Type always contains the property type
that can be
either Ruleset
or Filter
respectively. Depending on this property the type can have the
following properties:
Property |
Type |
Description |
name |
String |
The name of the filter |
rules_count |
Integer |
The total number of rules in all the subtree |
description (Filter-only) |
String |
A short user provided description of the filter |
children_count (Filter-only) |
Integer |
The number of direct children of the node |
active (Filter-only) |
Boolean |
Determines whether the filter is active at the moment |
"description":"Used for signaling failures in the api.neteye.cloud endpoint",
The node details can either be details for a Ruleset or a Filter. To distinguish between the two,
the NodeDetails Type always contains the property type
that can be either Ruleset
or Filter
respectively. Depending on this property the type can have the following properties:
Property |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Always set to |
name |
String |
The name of the filter |
description |
String |
A short user provided description of the filter |
active |
Boolean |
Determines whether the filter is active at the moment |
filter (Optional) |
The operators the rule matches against |
"type": "Filter",
"name": "master",
"description": "Events from tenant: master. [..]",
"active": true,
"filter": {
Property |
Type |
Description |
type |
String |
Always set to |
name |
String |
The name of the filter |
rules |
A list containing basic information on the rules in the Ruleset. |
"type": "Ruleset",
"name": "api_neteye_cloud",
"rules": [
"name": "foobar",
"description": "",
"continue": true,
"active": true,
"actions": [
"name": "foo",
"description": "",
"continue": true,
"active": true,
"actions": [
Property |
Type |
Description |
id |
String |
The action name to execute |
payload |
Object |
The contents of the action |