User Guide

How To Configure Monitoring for Multi-Tenancy

This How To is intended to explain you configure monitoring for multi-tenancy by creating a host template for each zone.

Template Configuration

To create host template to support multi-tenancy, please go to the Icinga Director / Host objects / Host Templates, click on the “+” icon and fill the required fields along with the Cluster Zone information which should be an Icinga Zone belongs to a tenant:

Creating a host template with Cluster Zone

Fig. 239 Creating a host template with Cluster Zone

Finally, click on “Add” to store the template in working memory. You must deploy the template to push the changes in your monitoring environment.


No sensitive data must be stored on service templates. Please use the host templates for this purpose.

When there is more than one Icinga Zone for a single tenant, you will need to create duplicate host templates, which are identical except for the Cluster Zone value.

Let’s understand it with an example:

Suppose in a multi-tenancy environment, one of the tenant (i.e., tenantA) has 3 satellites Sat_CloudA, Sat_CloudAA and Sat_Internal and they are in the following zones:

  • Zone cloud = Sat_CloudA and Sat_CloudAA

  • Zone local = Sat_Internal

Now, let’s assume they all are checking the same service which requires the same credentials. In that case, you need 2 identical host templates i.e., cloud-template and local-template except for Cluster Zone value which will be cloud for cloud-template and local for local-template.

This additinal configuration is required, because there is no way for the director to deploy a host template that contains sensitive information in both zones (cloud and local) while maintaining data secrecy.


You don’t have to touch the service templates since they must not contain sensitive data.